Zoom Tech Support Drop-In Sunday, February 12 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm PST 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm EST Bring your questions or practice your hosting skills. Our tech experts will be on hand to help you and fill you in on the latest security settings for safe 12-step meetings. Come anytime during the open hours. Zoom ID: 897 3812 7277 (no passcode) Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89738127277#success Zoom Hosting Tip: Enable "Sort Gallery View" in your account settings and keep an eye on new participants as they enter at the top of your gallery view. Boxes won't jump around so much on your screen. Here's how. OA.org Workshops/Conferences/Special Meetings
Please use the link below to search for conferences, workshops, and other events being held within our wide OA community. oa.org/event-calendar/ |
January 2025
Categories |
Newcomer |
IntergroupChair, Vacant
Vice Chair, Vacant Secretary, Hilda Treasurer, Andrea R Region 8 Rep, Chuck Newcomer, Jen IT-Vacant TSW, Tracey B. PIPO, Elizabeth |