During this unprecedented time, many of us are "meeting" virtually. To support this, you can find all of the meeting updates on a new page on our website. It will list meetings that are closed and meetings that are using Zoom, along with the meeting ID. On the resources page, you will also find Zoom FAQs. If these resources do not help, please reply to this email and we will find someone who can help you.
Another thought about meeting virtually is how to keep the 7th tradition. Some ideas would be to support the Zoom subscriber (if they have a paid subscription Zoom account), support our Intergroup, Region and World Service, or to give in non-monetary ways. Please review the 7th tradition pamphlet on the OA website: https://oa.org/app/uploads/2019/12/SeventhTraditionPamphlet.pdf Here are the mailing addresses for 7th tradition to our service bodies: OA World Service 6075 Zenith Court NE PO Box 44727 Rio Rancho, NM 87174-4727 USA https://oa.org/contribute/ Region 8 (SOAR) SOAR8 Treasurer P.O. Box 242522 Little Rock, AR 72223 [email protected] https://oaregion8.org/region-8/contributions ** Central Midlands Intergroup (CMI) c/o Barbara Edis 406 Tram RD Columbia SC 29210 [email protected] https://centralmidlandsoa.weebly.com/ **PayPal link available at this website Comments are closed.
You are not alone anymore!
Newcomer |
IntergroupChair, Vacant
Vice Chair, Vacant Secretary, Hilda Treasurer, Andrea R Region 8 Rep, Chuck Newcomer, Jen IT-Vacant TSW, Tracey B. PIPO, Elizabeth |