Please join us on Saturday, November 18, 2023, 11:30am, at St. John’s Episcopal Church to celebrate IDEA Day and meet for our CMI Elections Meeting.
***IDEA Day Information Letter (Please share far and wide.)*** Nominations, including self nominations, can be made either prior to the CMI Meeting or during the meeting. Candidates must be present at the Meeting or have a written declaration of interest in the service position. Please give prayerful consideration to running for one of these positions. Sponsors, please encourage your abstinent sponsees to choose service at the Intergroup level. Let’s grow & create together. POSITIONS FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION:
***Any OA member is invited to join any committee at any time. Simply let us know in what area you have interest or would like to hear about the meetings when they happen. We would be delighted to include you.
A Big Shout-Out to the Group Reps. We appreciate each and every one of you! These Reps are instrumental in acting as the parachute for the hot air balloon that is intergroup in assisting the meetings any way we can. Give them a big thanks when you see them in a meeting. |
You are not alone anymore!
Newcomer |
IntergroupChair, Vacant
Vice Chair, Vacant Secretary, Hilda Treasurer, Andrea R Region 8 Rep, Chuck Newcomer, Jen IT-Vacant TSW, Tracey B. PIPO, Elizabeth |