The Tuesday 5:30 meeting invites everyone to join us for our steps study in the NEW OA 12&12. We read a step each week and share. Next week will be step two. We hope you will join us: together we get better!
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 3909 Forest Drive Columbia SC 29204 Meeting contact: Shawn 803-427-7018 Winifred Tuesday 5:30 CMI rep Whenever possible, we will post meeting and event updates as they relate to Hurricane Florence on the website and by email, but we highly recommend calling or texting the meeting contact to confirm the meeting before you attend! Stay safe! Remember HALT. Use the tools. You are not alone anymore.
Thursday, 7pm, Irmo, WILL MEET on 9/13/18 East Lake Community Church 10057 Broad River Rd Connect Conference Room Irmo, SC 29063 Contact: Deborah Phone: 803-446-0019 Friday 7:15 AM Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 2200 Lee St Columbia, SC 29205 Contact: Andrea Phone: 803-622-6833 Friday, 5:30pm, Columbia, WILL NOT MEET on 9/14/18 Friday 5:30 PM Basilica of St. Peter (St Peter's Catholic Church) 1529 Assembly St Taylor St, Catholic Charities, Lower Level Columbia, SC 29201 Contact: Andrea Phone: 803-622-6833 Saturday 10:00 AM Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church 530 Saint Andrews Rd Crossroads Room Columbia, SC 29210 Contact: DJ Phone: 803-772-7999 Saturday 2:00-4:30pm Workshop "do over" WILL NOT MEET Casual workshop covering steps 6-7-8-9 Sunday 5:30 PM St John's Episcopal Church 2827 Wheat St Columbia, SC 29205 Contact: Wanda Phone: 803-466-8853 Due to lack of attendance, we canceled the 3rd quarter step workshop that covered steps 6-7-8-9. We are offering a more casual "do-over" opportunity on Saturday, September 15 from 2-4:30pm at the beautiful Forest Acres home of Breanne.
Please send an email to [email protected] with your commitment to attend. We appreciate your service. With your RSVP, we will reply with the address. Thank you for your interest in our workshops. Watch for an anonymous survey, soon, on our NEW website that was just announced, regarding workshop scheduling. Thank you for letting us offer the service of these workshops. Nicki & Breanne for CM During this month's CMI meeting, we have done away with the OASIS editor position. We will primarily communicate updates and the meeting list by email and this website.
Plan for CMI events on: November 17: IDEA Day, January 20: OA Birthday, February 24: Unity Day. The Wednesday AM meeting at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 2200 Lee Street, Columbia, held a group conscience meeting and agreed to change the start time of the meeting, in the hopes that attendance will increase.
Starting Wednesday, September 12, the meeting will run from 8am-9am. For the month of September, they will focus on recovery topics. Please help support this important downtown meeting, where you have a chance to share on topics of recovery. The Monday AM meeting at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 2200 Lee Street, Columbia, held a group conscience meeting this morning and agreed to change the start time of the meeting, in the hopes that attendance will increase.
Starting Monday, September 10, the meeting will run from 7am-8am. Please help support this important 10th step meeting, where you have a chance to share your inventory from the previous week with your fellows and how you use the program to deal with the challenges. CMI members recently voted to change to a smaller PO BOX to help save CMI a significant amount of money each year. We would PREFER that you bring your monthly contribution with you to the CMI meeting, but if you must mail it, please note the new address:
New CMI PO Box number is 2504, Columbia, SC 29202-2504, valid as of September 1, 2018 A change of address has been filed. Thank you CMI treasurer, Hope, for this service. Please announce in your meetings in case members send personal contributions or other mail to CMI. 7:30am - Group Conscience meeting - please attend to discuss the future of this meeting and service opportunities. 2200 Lee Street, Columbia
6:30pm- Chick-Fil-A Saluda Pointe - OA fellowship family-friendly gathering (the Lexington Library is closed today) |
You are not alone anymore!
Newcomer |
IntergroupChair, Vacant
Vice Chair, Vacant Secretary, Hilda Treasurer, Andrea R Region 8 Rep, Chuck Newcomer, Jen IT-Vacant TSW, Tracey B. PIPO, Elizabeth |