Columbia is hosting the opening rounds of the NCAA basketball tournament this week at the Colonial Life Arena and more than 25,000 visitors are expected. Practices will begin Thursday, games are on Friday and Sunday, and there are many activities planned during the weekend. You can click here for more information.
Please allow yourself plenty of time to get to and from meetings safely, as we expect an increase in traffic congestion throughout Columbia and very limited public parking in the downtown area. Sunday, March 10, 2019, Central Midlands Intergroup (CMI), the OA intergroup for the Central Midlands, will meet from 4-5pm at St. John's Episcopal Church, 2827 Church Street, Columbia, to do the "business" of OA for the Columbia area. All OA members are welcome and encouraged to attend.
CMI is followed by the Sunday meeting, starting at 5:30pm, which features a speaker on CMI Sunday. This month we will hear the story of Winifred. Our Board of four members presides over the meeting. Representatives from each meeting and committee attend CMI and present updates regarding their meeting and average attendance. Those representatives also return to their meetings with minutes and reports to share. There are service opportunities small and large for those working Step 12 or with their sponsees in search of service opportunities. Meeting representatives: remember to bring a visitor with you, your attendance numbers, and your CMI contributions. If you have started working on a book that holds all of your pertinent meeting information, please bring that with you. Committee chairs: Remember to bring a printed copy of your report. Also, if you are unable to attend, please secure a representative to attend in your place. If you have started working on your cross-training manual, please bring it with you. For all meetings or workshops at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 2200 Lee Street, Columbia, please immediately begin entering through the side door on the east side. DO NOT use the white delivery door. Look for the OA signs. We meet in the Pastor room just past the restrooms for meetings and in the Parish Hall for workshops.
You are not alone anymore!
Newcomer |
IntergroupChair, Vacant
Vice Chair, Vacant Secretary, Hilda Treasurer, Andrea R Region 8 Rep, Chuck Newcomer, Jen IT-Vacant TSW, Tracey B. PIPO, Elizabeth |